An Efficient Algorithm for Computing the HHSVM and Its Generalizations
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منابع مشابه
An Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Computing Systems Based on TRIZ
An efficient assignment and scheduling of tasks is one of the key elements in effective utilization of heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. The task scheduling problem has been proven to be NP-hard is the reason why we used meta-heuristic methods for finding a suboptimal schedule. In this paper we proposed a new approach using TRIZ (specially 40 inventive principles). The basic idea of thi...
متن کاملAn Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous Computing Systems Based on TRIZ
An efficient assignment and scheduling of tasks is one of the key elements in effective utilization of heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. The task scheduling problem has been proven to be NP-hard is the reason why we used meta-heuristic methods for finding a suboptimal schedule. In this paper we proposed a new approach using TRIZ (specially 40 inventive principles). The basic idea of thi...
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